I am clumsy and there is no need to deny the fact. I have fallen flat on my face 4 times so far and the recent one is probably the worst. We were playing Paintball and I was too engross, kan cheong, clumsy, whatever you called it,I ran and I fell. Got a deep cut on my lips, hit my teeth on the hard ground, scratches on my right cheek, deep abrasion on my elbow and feet, and a huge gross blue-black on my left knee.
When I saw the blood flowing from my mouth, my first thought was, I need a mirror, I need to see what's the damage, how bad is the cut? Then the next thing, I blacked out, rested for awhile before I was sent to the First Aid room. Can you believed it, there is no mirror in the ROOM. So i have to walk to the toilet to check out the wound on my face..hahaha
Even the doctor asked how I fell? Had a day MC to rest at home. My wound are healing quite fast, only thing is, I can't take solid food, not even bread. The fall impact had caused my teeth to shift and they are out of alignment now, it will take a while for the teeth to shift back. Meanwhile, I will be liquid diet. I am constantly hungry.
My injuries from one game of Paintball..