Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to complete 21km?

The date to SCB Marathon 2009 is drawing near and I am not ready for my run. We have been training regularly but we are quite behind schedule. We are about 5 weeks away from the race and I am covering only 12km which almost kill me, how to complete the next 9km?

I am quite a blister queen, I have developed blisters at different part of my body weekly while I run. I had a blister on my shoulder cause by my sport bra and I have different blisters forming on my feet. The very wise conclusion from my colleagues and friends is, my shoes is Either too Tight or too Loose..(As good as no Conclusion!!!)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

New toys at home

I got my nespresso, love the new coffee machine. I got my piano too.

And visitors to my new place...Travis and Ashleigh

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lift broke down

Less than 2 weeks at the new home, the not to be trusted lift broke down 3 times. Should I be glad that I am only staying at the 6th floor?

I walked up 10 storey to swim on Sat, what a good warmed up exercise. I enjoyed the privacy of having the pool to myself so far, hopefully this is last for a long time.