Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It is babies...

Scan done yesterday and both of them are growing and I can see their little heart beats. Yes, offificially I am having Twins. Sincerity and Righeousness are both coming at the same time. Hopefully the next few months will be a smooth journey, I can't imagine how big I will become. Breastfeeding better be effective in cutting away the fat man.

The EDD is April 2011 but with Twins, likely will be earlier.

Joke is my boss asked if I will quit my job after giving birth? Frankly, quiting never come across my mind, especially now with Twins, I need the job and money more right? Ya, mother instinct might kicks in but who is going to feed the babies? MAD. At this point, what I need to job security and yet he post me this question. Thanks lei..