Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It is a boy and a girl

The gender is out, I am having a baby boy and baby girl. Isn't that nice and sweet, my little girl will be able to to be dress in those cute little dresses. Little boy, will stick to the boring looking skirt and is unfair, what to do??

When Doc told me that it is a boy....and a girl, I was thrilled. I was mentally preapred for 2 boys and the girl is really a gift..for now. 19 years down the road will be a different story, i guess.

I can officially feel their kicks too. Not all the time but when they do kick hard, it feels like a little bruise at one part of my tummy..and it has a lingering effect (pain effect). Now, they are only 18 weeks and their kicks will only get stronger. Come on babies, kicks all you want, you will get it when I meet you next year.