Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Persistent high fever is not leaving the kids alone.

It has been day 3 and the fever remain high at 39 plus degree once the medicine wore off. Although this is not the first time that they were down with viral fever but it is always worrying each time the fever strike so high. Had their blood tested this morning, all good.   The urine test was unsuccessful, failed to capture the urine, now I am remain worried that it could be urinary infection which is common for young children.

There were many articles providing information about fever among young children and stating that fever do not cause brain damage. However, all it need is one article on a case of brain damaged incident causes by High fever to drive any parents nuts. No amount of assuranced and reasoning, logic or facts will help. Any form of risk or threat that could compromise the health of our children is too risky.

Dear Lord, please heal them and remove the viral fever. Please watch over them and give them strength. I am weak and fearful, please give me courage and wisdom on managing and taking care of them. I have no one else but you in timr of need, please forgive me..Dear Lord, please take care of them. Thank you, lord. Amen.