I have injured my back while moving Award Nails but it was only a slight back injury. Then, after my shape run on Sunday, I decided to go for my leg massage and I told the lady that my back hurt so she gave me a back massage. I was feeling fine after the massage but came Monday, I walk with an acute pain on back. My condition turn worst on Tuesday, I can barely walk. Went to the GP and he gave me a jab and some pain killer. Today, I was all ready to go to work but I hurt my back again while I try to pick up my medicine. This time round, it is really bad, I was unable to move for at least 10 min, it was too painful. After struggling I called Louis to come back and send me to hospital. We went to the A&E at Alexandra Hospital, long wait. Luckily my urine test show that I have not infection and X-ray to confirm that there is no bone fracture.
My doctor gave me a jab of pain killer before sending me home. The jab is so powerful that nurse told me that I have to stay in bed for at least an hour before leaving hospital. I felt giddy and nauseous and my left arm is feeling very aching now.

I was on Wheel chair today..

Poor Louis, he just got back from working night shift
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