Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Beginning of the Journey.....

The journey should have started one year ago but nevertheless it is starting now. May is the month and now is the time. I have called KKH and officially start the procedure. I thought I need to go down to KKH the moment I have my menses, I was wrong, luckily I called. I just need to called in on the heavy flow day, which is tomorrow (20th May 2010) and the appointment will be 21 days after. That is when the JOURNEY OFFICIALLY BEGIN........

Not having cold feet yet, I can't say the same 21 days later but I will not give up. If I am emotional stable and sane, I will write down my personal experience of the procedure. I can't be too certain if I can do that since the hormone changes might take over the whole sensibility of me.

If I became overly sensitive, unreasonable, emotional or demanding, bear with me, that's not the usual me...right? haha.

1 comment:

  1. that is the usual you wat... we've been bearing all along
