Monday, June 25, 2012

Running high fever.

It is every parents heartache to watch their own babies down with high fever and feel totally helpless when the fever do not drop when medication was given.

sincere came down with high fever on Friday. Due to his restlessness, I was very worried and I brought him to KKH. His fever wasn't under controlled and we monitored him throughout the night. He continue to be restless, cranky and needy. He only felt asleep when he used up all his energy and I woke him up couple of time to feed him medicine.

Righteous was at my nanny and i went over to my aunty place thinking that I should be able to bring Righteous home on Saturday. Idiotic thing is, righteous also came down with fever and she share the same symptom as Sincere, persistence high fever, cranky and needy. Thanks goodness that my aunty offered to take care of one of the baby for me, was very grateful. I brought Righteous and left Sincere to her care.

We are still fighting the fever and dear lord, please protect the babies and grant them speedy recovery, please remove the fever.