Monday, September 24, 2007

Making choices

Making choices are not easy, especially if you have to move out of your comfort zone. There will be anxiety, worry and uncertainty ahead. But if you want to change your lifestyle, you will have to step out and make the changes. Nobody can make the decision for your except for yourself.

If you want to have a bright future, start by sleeping early. If you can't sleep early, then change your current lifestyle. Thing will not change by you asking a few questions. You got to do something about it. Stop giving yourself excuses. Life is yours, take control. You are young, you are allowed to make mistake, but learnt from your mistake. How many time must be wrong and failed before you buck up? You want to be praise? Earn it. You want to be treated like an adult? Behave like one. You want a good future? Work hard.

There is no free lunch in this world, your mum can't be providing and shielding you forever, be responsible.

Ah bao, this is for you.

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