Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Are you quarrelsome? What do you think are the quality to start a quarrel? I am referring to starting a quarrel with your partner. Interestingly, i have friends who have never quarrel with their partners before, I am not talking about couple who just got together and still in their super duber sweet and honeymoon period, I am talking about couple who have even gotten married. How can that be right?

Me and big boobs reckon that to start a quarrel or maintain one, you must have the bitchy quality. It's true, to be able to quarrel, you must be unreasonable, quick to accuse and have a loud voice. I am all the above, am sure Louis will agree with all his hands and legs up. Hahaha..

During an arguement:
K: Why are you so quiet??
L: Nothing
K: What nothing? What do you mean nothing??
L: *sigh*...
K: why did you sigh? What's there to sigh?? tell me...
L: *trying to say something..*
K: Stop it, whatever you want to say are excuses...
L: =_=

It may sound funny but quarrel will also enhanced and improved the relationship, at least we spend quality time together and get to know each other better. (You can't go anywhere if two of you are fighting, right? and during that process, you will say alot of things that you will not normally said, 'true feeling'). There are good and bad of all situations, really depend on how you look at it.

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