Thursday, July 15, 2010

Egg Extraction

The egg extraction procedure take place on Wednesday morning, if I remember correctly, the whole process is about 15min. But the after OPs rest took 4 hours before I am allow to leave. I was given deep sedation and I vividly open my eyes during the ops and hear some noise, of cos I can't figure what's going on. First time in the Op theatre, it look quite like what we saw on TV, very bright, lots of equipments and lots of people.

Sedation came with some side effects, that's why I need to rest to let the effect wear off, unfortunately I got 3 out of the possible 5 side effects. I experienced faintness, tiredness and nausea. I vomit out hot milo that the nurse just gave me, can't be help, I am not very friendly with milo these days.

Did I said the nurse told me I got 31 eggs extracted and I have most for the day? I don't know what reaction that the nurse was looking for, but that piece of news does not excite me. 31 eggs? Does that make me sound like mother hen?? Yuck!! And having that many eggs is not a good thing for me, due to the quantity, my after effect bloatedness will be BAD and is still bad up to this point.

What happened next? Friday, we must be back for the transfer, apparently only need 10min, no sedation required. Thereafter, I must really rest (best in bed) and not stress the body. As the embyro will take at least 5-6 days to stick to the linning. What left after is waiting and praying, I will know if I am pregnant on 2 August.