Thursday, July 1, 2010

Stage 2!!! - Puregon injection

Puregon medication produced synthetically by recombinant DNA technology and is a purer form of FSH, which is used to stimulate the development of serval follicles, thus increasing the estrogen hormone production and building up the uterus lining. Consituted in a cartridge and it is given subcutaneous for 10 to 14 days in an accurate and ready to use pen delivery system.

Basically, in the layman term, it simply mean Puregon jab is to encourage and stimulate multiple eggs production. Meaning to say, starting tomorrow, I have to do two Jab daily. Lucrin and Puregon jabs...can't wait!!!

Stage 3 is a night jab that need to be taken at the hospital and thereafter for stage 4 is where I will get 2 weeks of hospitalisation leave. If all is on schedule, the leave should happened by mid of July. I can't remember what will happen next, all this stages was communicated to me while the nurse was taking my blood, she was fast and this is all I can remember.